Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat

Sunday night I had decided I had missed out on to much Fall fun..so I got to ride in the truck while the boys trick or treated. And see no baby yet!! Since Jack's cousins, John & Matthew moved up they really wanted Jack to go trick or treating with them. I wasn't sure how Jack would do..but since he isn't scared of anything I thought why not give it a try!
How cute are these boys?!?
They were so excited it was hard to get a good picture.
Look at my BIG BOY!! He would walk up to the door with the boys and say Trick or Treat! John helped him up steps, and opening his bag. He LOVED getting candy!! (even though he can't eat most of it..that's okay..;) Michael walked with the boys, but let them go to the door.
I wish I had gotten a picture of the boys riding in the back of Rusty's 4-runner. We had the back opened and they were all 3 sitting back there. We let them do this around the neighborhood so they could get out easily. It was so cute when we would drive because all you would hear was candy papers rustling around..they couldn't wait to eat the candy!

We had SO much fun! I'm so glad I got to go because it was so cute to watch Jack experience his first trick or treating! However...we have LOTS more to go!!

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