Friday, August 19, 2011

Tate-9 Months Old

Tate is now 9 months old.

Where did the time go?

It happened way to fast.And Mommy is super sad .

We went for his 9 month check-up yesterday & he had a double ear infection(your first one ever).

And I had no idea because he is so easy going.

So, he got out of his one shot.

He tipped the scales at 21lbs. (BIG baby ;) & measured 29 inches long.

He is crawling,waving bye -bye,jabbering, & eating some table food.

He also has 6 (almost 8) teeth!
He is such a blessing..he loves to get into all of brother's toys.

He loves dogs, although we don't have one.

And he thinks Jack is hilarious, which scares me just a little..

Colin Tate Murphy..I love you sweet boy.

I look forward to the next 3 months before we say hello to the Big #1.

I will go ahead and warn you that Mommy will be super sad that day ;(

And in case you are is brother at 9 months old..they look NOTHING alike.

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