Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am so excited to be pregnant once again..with Baby Beanstalk (Jena nicknamed this baby since we have Jack..Jack & the Beanstalk ;)..Since I had such a crazy weekend..I had no time to blog about our exciting news! I knew about 4 weeks ago that I was pregnant..just wanted to wait for my Dr. appointment before telling anyone! Last Monday (4/12) I went to the Dr...everything looked great so far. She did a ultrasound and there was one tiny baby..and the sweetest heartbeat I've ever heard ;)..I will never get tired of hearing that heartbeat! Michael and I are very excited..I think we are more excited this time than our first! Maybe it was just because with the first there are so many unknowns? I have been feeling great so morning sickness, lots of energy..then Sunday that all changed. I woke up Sunday for church and I was extremely exhausted. I was getting Jack's breakfast to take to church..and the next thing I knew..I was lying on the kitchen floor. I don't think I was passed out for long..but when I got up my right eye was blurry..and my right arm was numb. I've had migraines before..lots of them. But I've never passed out or lost feeling in my arm. So..I ended up at the ER (thank you Lesley & Thom for taking care of me)..and I was diagnosed with a Severe migraine. I was hoping that was the end of it..but Monday I got yet another one. The Dr. has put me on medicine and it's working! I'm very thankful for good friends, who have helped us the past couple days! AND a amazing church family..I've received at least 20 emails asking me if they could watch Jack..or just help me out! Thank you very much ;) I am just going to take it easy the next few weeks..and rest when I can!
I did have some fun this weekend..Lesley, Diana, and I attended the Women of Joy conference which was amazing ( I missed out Fri. night b/c I had VIP night)..but Saturday was so great! I am so thankful and blessed to have these girls in my life!!

1 comment:

Kelly Glupker said...

So glad you're feeling better. I sure hope you don't have any more complications!