Thursday, June 10, 2010

Destin 2010's nice being home..but it's been non-stop. This week we've been to Waterfront Park,the Zoo, the doesn't get much better than that! I love summer. I also love(d) vacation. Here is a few pics of our AMAZING vacation to Destin..once again THANK YOU GMOM & GDAD WOLFE. I love getting to spend a week with the precious family, if it wasn't for that week sometimes I don't think Jack would know the family as well as he does. This is pure sweetness..Jack with his Great-Grandad..great memory.

Someone asked where I got the energy at to go non-stop while pregnant..and I think it's because I realize Jack is not going to be little forever..before I know it he will be moved away with kids of his own..and I'll be on my couch eating ice cream wondering what I'm going to do all day ;)

Michael & I went on a date one's amazing the conversations you can have without Jack Murphy around..we even went to the BOOK STORE! Thank you.
The teething monster possessed Jack and well, at times he is purely evil ;)

This picture is pure joy. I am so blessed..I smile every time I think of that baby in my belly in this picture with my loves. I would say this is going to be our complete family (with Beanstalk)..but no folks..our next child will come from some other Mother, in some other Country ;) And I can't wait to cross that bridge when we get there ;)

Jack LOVES..LOVES..LOVES..his Daddy.

The Water Hose. A Boy's Favorite Toy.

The teething monster either made Jack evil..or snuggly..I love that moment

Amazing Vacation once again...

I'm going to try and get a video of Jack and his newest thing. He LOVES to ask where family members are..He will say Mimi? Mims? Matt? Papa? Pop? (ETC..)..I will always reply and say ..honey they are in when you ask Jack where Matt is? He will say PA DUH TAH hahaha..It's adorable..Enjoy.

1 comment:


It looks like you had a lot of fun. Wish I was on the beach right now!