Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jack & the Bean Table

I am always trying to find creative things for Jack to play with. I decided to bring in our sand & water table from the garage and fill it with BEANS! The beans cost around $6..and they have provided SO many hours of entertainment. They are super easy to clean up as well! Every other night I go in and sweep them up, and put them back in the table! His imagination goes wild with these beans!

I love this..my boys are finally starting to play together. (and yes, Tate has a pink pacifier..his got traded apparently at church ha!)

Today we went to the zoo. There was No one there. Jack kept asking where everyone was! We took full advantage of it and did whatever we wanted ;) This was one of my favorite trips to the zoo.

Oh my..I just love him.

This was our favorite part of the day. We stayed at the polar bear exhibit for 45 minutes. We watched this bear the whole time! She put on a show for us! She played with all of her bear toys, and swam under water. Since no one was there we sat and watched...Jack didn't want to leave, we would walk away..and then go back and watch some more!

Love warm days in December!

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