Friday, February 24, 2012

Super Hero Mom....

Oh yes, we all know we have felt this way before. We as Mom's are Super Hero's..we have it all together. Our kids never get in trouble, they are always fed (organic), bathed, & in bed by 8 (with no screaming). Ha! Who are we kidding ;) That never happens with 2 or more kids ;) This past week has been another hard one...I felt like God was trying to get my attention. So, I prayed for God to show me what I was missing. Why on earth have my kids been sick for a month, and my husband working such long hours..all at once. And oh why, oh why does my family live so far answer..because I want YOU to RELY ON ME!! Manda is not a Super Hero..but I am a Super Hero when I'm relying on God to get me through. I am finding that I have to get on my knees to pray for my children (&my husband)..everyday. They have got to see me reading my bible & praising God in the good & bad times. I also think it is okay if they see me at my weakest (which has been lately). I am also very thankful for an amazing family who is also praying for my children. And for the wonderful people who love on my kiddos each week at church. We did enjoy a wonderful day yesterday outside even if they were sick!

This is our neighbor..we never hardly see his owner. But we love on him everyday ;) Sweet dog.

They really want the pool open...

Tate wants to be just like Jack..he brought me Jack's underwear the other day to put them on!! Ha! Crazy boys.

He is ready for summer.

Tate learned how to go down steps!!! Yay!

I love him.

He wants to drive!

This is what happens when I leave them alone..

Look Mom..we took it upon ourselves to brush our teeth. Ha.

This is how they really feel ;)
Hoping for a new week with no sickness!!

1 comment:

Superhero Mom said...

Thanks for stopping by my spot in Blog World! lol!! Your boys are go Mom!